The Projects

Haus der Geschichte Bonn

Panorama Wall

At the Bonn Museum Mile, you can get really close to history, both the major political events and everyday life of the last 75 years. Since 1994, a multimedia approach has been used to bring the historical facts to life and make them comprehensible with exhibits, videos and audio stations.
A visit to Haus der Geschichte begins in the foyer with a view of the curved wall opposite the entrance. Since May 2024, a 13.6 x 4.8 meter LED wall has been hanging above the museum café area on the second floor showing pictures of exhibits, dates for new special exhibitions, a photo collage on 75 years of the German Constitution. The large-sized content gives an impression of how multifaceted history is. „The LED wall gives us great new opportunities to visually address our visitors with a wide variety of content,“ says Dr. Ruth Rosenberger, representative of the President and Director of Digital Services at the Haus der Geschichte Foundation.


Bild: hmpartner


Bild: hmpartner
Bild: SSK Bocholt
Regattabahn, regatta course, LED Wand
Bild: Holzmedia

Regatta Course

LED Wand, Deutsche Börse Frankfurt, renovierter Handelssaal mit AV-Technik und Rundbanner
image: hmpartner

Trade Floor

EY Digital Lab interaktiv Workshops Kommunikation Vernetzung interactive communication networking
Bild: FL Medientechnik
image: Stefan Brückner
Hochschule Bochum Hörsaal Projektion Vorlesung Medientechnik AV-Konzept university of applied sciences auditorium projection simulation
Bild: hmpartner
Mitarbeiterrestaurant Event Leinwand Projektor barrierefrei staff restaurant, accessible, event location lighting screen
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HSD AV over IP Campus Derendorf Streaming Gebäude univevrsity of applied sciences
Bild: hmpartner
Eschborn Immersive Studio digital interaktiv Video wall Workshop
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Zeiss, Eingang, Medientechnik
Bild: Nething GmbH
aareal Bank Wiesbaden Konferenz Video Meetingraum Display Medienmöbel web conferencing meeting av concept communication
Bild: hmpartner
Standardisierung Roll-out Konferenzraum EY AV-Technik conferencing standard concept
Bild: Holzmedia
Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf Gerichtssaal Denkmalschutz AV-Technik Dolmetschanlage court room interpretation av communication
Bild: hmpartner

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Bild: Stefan Brückner